1.Prva etida je mala igra na temu iz serije Jeeves and Wooster.
2.Druga etida je napisana po uzoru na Bachov preludij BWV 999, a posvecena je mom bivsem uceniku Danijelu Jurišiću.
Ante Čagalj
Dvanaest etida za svaki dan
Ciklus Dvanaest etida za svaki dan nastao je 2017. godine. Prve dvije etide su napisane u lipnju za ljetnu školu gitare Gitarastra, a kroz nadolazeće mjesece slijedilo je i preostalih deset. U nekoliko desetaka verzija, uz veće i manje korekture, do prosinca su sve etide dobile svoj završni oblik.
Inspirativni materijal za svaku pojedinačnu etidu se razlikuje. Neki od njih su narodni napjevi, plesovi, neostilovi, tehnička i muzička problematika instrumenta, autobiografske slike, stoga su forme i karakteri etida vrlo šareni: Double, Passacaglia, Pasillo…
Etide su pristupačne, ali i dovoljno zahtjevne kao izazov i dnevna rutina svakog gitarista. Koliko su gitaristički tipične, toliko su i netipične i zahtijevaju od izvođača promišljanje, pažnju, strpljiv i smiren rad. Djela su u svojoj naravi vrlo protočna i spontana, pa potiču glazbenika na brisanje crte između razuma-glave i tehnike-prstiju.
Ciklus etida je praizvela Lucija Rako na Danima gitare 2018. godine u Zagrebu.
1.The first study is a playfull take on the Jeeves and Wooster theme.
2.The second study is inspired by Bach’s Prelude BWV 999 and dedicated to my former student Danijel Jurišić.
Ante Čagalj
Twelve everyday studies
The cycle Twelve everyday studies was created in 2017. The first two etudes were written in June for the “Gitarastra” Summer Guitar School, and the remaining ten followed in the coming months. In several versions, with certain corrections, all the studies had their final form by December 2017.
The inspirational material for each study is different. Some of them are folk tunes, dances, neo-styles, technical and musical issues of playing this instrument, autobiographical images, and thus the forms and characters of the studies are very different: Double, Passacaglia, Pasillo…
Studies are simple and approachable, but also demanding enough as a challenge and a daily routine for every guitarist. As much as they are typical, they are also atypical and require thoughtfulness, attention, patience and calm work of the performers. The works are very fluid and spontaneous in nature, so they encourage the musician to erase the line between rational and emotional.
The work had its first integral performance at the Guitar Days festival in June 2018 by Lucija Rako.
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